Here is a list of brands that will donate a portion of their sales to support various LGBTQ+ community charities. SOSU by Suzanne Jackson – Unknown % donated to LGBT+ Ireland, Dublin LGBTQ+, and Pride…
Kimchi Chic has brought us 6 new releases. Four new shades of PotDe Creme Shades and two new Diamond Sharts. (those names are disgusting). Those sound like a 12 year old boy named them. PotDe:…
Kimchi Chic has released another two palettes, after releasing four other palettes just last week. I’m starting to sense brands have a backlog of releases sitting around do to the current stay-at-home orders. The neutral…
Is it just me or are all of the palettes so cute and pretty? I may just pick up Mango Tango, Virgin Mojito, and Juicy Chocolate Melt. SO PRETTY