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Fresh Treats

Lethal Cosmetics x Dexter Preview + ColourPop Twilight: New Moon Collection Reveal

Check out this post to watch the Lethal Cosmetics x Dexter full reveal video and to see the new colourpop collection.

Lethal, as usual, has created a very creative collection. I have never purchased from them before, but I am thinking I may purchase their mystery bag to give them a try as I have been wanting to purchase from them for a long time. I recently bought a Juvia’s Place mystery bundle, and I regretted it so much even though it was only $18. More on that later!

Below is the really pretty New Moon collection. As stated before, I am not the target market as I have never seen nor read anything to do with Twilight. Unless you count the movie trivia game where my friend who was obsessed with it wanted to play. Guess who won? Buy the full collection here.